Thursday, June 19, 2014

This or That Book Tag!

Physical Book or E-book?

Physical book! Nothing tops holding the book in your hand, and being able to smell the pages. Even an electronic can't beat that! 

Audio or Book in Hand?

The only time I've actually read an audio book was in school. Other than that, I've never read one that I've bought myself. I think it's a lot easier to get distracted when you aren't the one reading the book. I always prefer to have the book in hand! 

Paperback or Hardcover?

Paperback is a lot more comfortable and cheaper, while hardcovers are a bit bulkier and bigger. 
Hardcovers look nicer and protect the books more, while paperbacks are more vulnerable and easily get damaged.

Adult or Young Adult
Young Adult. . . what else?

Series or Standalone?
When I go to pick up a book, if it interests me then I will buy it regardless of whether or not it's a series or standalone, but with series, you get to be with the characters more and the stories are more complex, so I'll go with series. 

Dog ears or Book Marks?
BOOK MARKS! Bending the pages is just slowly destroying the book! I like to keep my books in the best condition possible, so I definitely prefer book marks. In hard covers, I fold the dust jacket flap on the page that I left off on, primarily because I usually always lose my book marks, and this doesn't hurt the book!

Breaking the Spine or Barely Open the Book?
When I get paperbacks, I never end up breaking the spines, and I don't barely open it. I don't fold the book back so that the front cover touches the back cover or anything. I also usually get hardcovers, and the spines don't break on those ;) At least, not where it's visible. 
Borrow or Buy?
BUY. I prefer to own my own books and the damage made to it was caused be me, not anyone else. Also, from the library, many many many people have had that book before you, and I just prefer mine to be clean and my own. 

Bookstore or online?
BOTH! I love being surrounded by books at the bookstore, and being able to get the book right then and there to bring home. However, online, at BooksAMillion, which is where I get all of my books, the deals are amazing! You could get Young Adult paperbacks for as low as $4.00 as bargain books, and they're perfect. The prices are already great and when you're a member, which I am, you receive even more deals. I also love how they bring the book to your door, instead of to the mailbox, which it even more exciting. :D When I think about it, they have really great bargain book deals in store as well, just a wider YA selection online.

Ficition or Nonficton?
I love history, so I wouldn't mind reading a book about wars and the different eras, but if I were choosing between the two, I choose fiction.

Fantasy World or Real Life Issues

Kindle, iPad, or Other?
NONE. I prefer to have my books in hand. I may read a sample on my phone, but never the whole book. 

Monster read or short and sweet
Based on all of the books I have read, all of the monster reads have been the best.

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