Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bookish Scenarios Book Tag!

I saw this tag on BookTube and decided to do it on my blog for fun. :D I'm almost certain this tag was created by JesseTheReader. If I am wrong, please let me know!

1. You have to get rid of all your books and you can only keep one from each of these genres - contemporary, fantasy, non-fiction and one other genre of your choosing. What books do you keep?

Non-Fiction- Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
This is one of my favorite books, so I'd definitely have to keep this one!

Contemporary- For a while now, I haven't been reading as much contemporary as I used to, so I don't remember most of the ones I've read before or whether or not I liked them! :/ 

Fantasy- IGNITE ME BY TAHEREH MAFI! The Shatter Me trilogy is one of my favorite book series of all time, and I definitely recommend this trilogy to everyone. It was amazing!

2. You're at the bookstore and you hear a teenager telling their mom they don't like to read, but their mom insists they pick something. You walk over and recommend a book you think is great for people who aren't big on reading - what book is it?

I would snatch The Hunger Games off of that shelf and shove it into their arms! The Hunger Games was my very first Young Adult book and brought me into the YA world! It's the perfect book for those who don't really enjoy reading because it's interesting, fast paced, and just SO GOOD. It has just about everything someone could want in a book. :)

3. You're not feeling yourself and need a pick me up. Which book do you read to put yourself in a great mood?

To put myself in a great mood, I would run for a book from the Shatter Me trilogy. I love that trilogy so much, just holding it in my hands puts me in a great mood!

4. You go back in time for a day to your teenage years. What book would you most likely have caught yourself reading?

Well, I am in my 'teenage years' currently, so I can't exactly answer this question! However, looking back, I would have caught myself reading The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. :)

5. Your friend surprises you with a 4 day trip and you have 1 hour to pack. Which book do you bring to read on the way? 

Ahh, this question is so hard! There are wayyy too many books for me to choose from. However, I think I would go with Beautiful Creatures because it's really long and all around amazing!

6. Your house has been robbed! Don't worry - everyone is safe, but your bookshelf has been raided. What's the book you really hope is safe?

This is a joke, right? ALL OF MY BOOKS BETTER BE SAFE. 

7. Your friend borrows a book and returns it in awful condition. Do you a) Just pretend you haven't noticed b) Ask them to repurchase it or c) Secretly do the same to something of theirs.

This has happened to me quite a few times... I can never bring myself to say no whenever I'm asked to borrow a book. Ahh, I'm working on it! I never do any of these choices, but of course, I'd choose b! 


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Instagram October Book Challenge 2014 Week 1

This October Book Challenge was created by @_books_always 

These photos are my own, and if you wish to use them (giving credit) , please email me first at 

Day 1: October TBR
For this month's October TBR, I plan to read The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd, The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross, The Kill Order by James Dashner, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and The House Girl by Tara Conklin. 
Day 2: Longest Book 
For this challenge, I chose Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. This book has a total of 566 pages. I probably have books with more pages than this, but this was the first one I came across. 

Day 3: Fantasy Book
For this challenge, I chose the Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa. :) I didn't want to go with one that most would pick, such as the Mortal Instruments, so I chose this series! Although I haven't read all of them yet, the ones I have read have been amazing and 5/5 stars! 

Day 5: Green Books
I skipped Day 4 since the last movie I watched was a princess movie with my sister! :)

I was searching through my bookshelves, and I literally could not find any green books! These were the only ones I found, and the shades are completely different! 

-The Maze Runner by James Dashner
-Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
-Insurgent by Veronica Roth
-Shelter by Harlan Coben
-The House Girl by Tara Conklin 

Update: Where this Blog is Going

Hi! :) It's been so long since I've made a post, and I'm tired of using school and stress as my excuse now! From now on, all bookish things I want to do on Goodreads, 'Bookstagram,' and blogging will be a part of my homework now. :)

Since I've been posting and doing more bookish updates on Instagram, I realized that I could just transfer them onto my blog as a blog post for those of you who don't have an Instagram.

Also, instead of me posting one picture per blog post, I am going to just do it weekly. :)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

This or That Book Tag!

Physical Book or E-book?

Physical book! Nothing tops holding the book in your hand, and being able to smell the pages. Even an electronic can't beat that! 

Audio or Book in Hand?

The only time I've actually read an audio book was in school. Other than that, I've never read one that I've bought myself. I think it's a lot easier to get distracted when you aren't the one reading the book. I always prefer to have the book in hand! 

Paperback or Hardcover?

Paperback is a lot more comfortable and cheaper, while hardcovers are a bit bulkier and bigger. 
Hardcovers look nicer and protect the books more, while paperbacks are more vulnerable and easily get damaged.

Adult or Young Adult
Young Adult. . . what else?

Series or Standalone?
When I go to pick up a book, if it interests me then I will buy it regardless of whether or not it's a series or standalone, but with series, you get to be with the characters more and the stories are more complex, so I'll go with series. 

Dog ears or Book Marks?
BOOK MARKS! Bending the pages is just slowly destroying the book! I like to keep my books in the best condition possible, so I definitely prefer book marks. In hard covers, I fold the dust jacket flap on the page that I left off on, primarily because I usually always lose my book marks, and this doesn't hurt the book!

Breaking the Spine or Barely Open the Book?
When I get paperbacks, I never end up breaking the spines, and I don't barely open it. I don't fold the book back so that the front cover touches the back cover or anything. I also usually get hardcovers, and the spines don't break on those ;) At least, not where it's visible. 
Borrow or Buy?
BUY. I prefer to own my own books and the damage made to it was caused be me, not anyone else. Also, from the library, many many many people have had that book before you, and I just prefer mine to be clean and my own. 

Bookstore or online?
BOTH! I love being surrounded by books at the bookstore, and being able to get the book right then and there to bring home. However, online, at BooksAMillion, which is where I get all of my books, the deals are amazing! You could get Young Adult paperbacks for as low as $4.00 as bargain books, and they're perfect. The prices are already great and when you're a member, which I am, you receive even more deals. I also love how they bring the book to your door, instead of to the mailbox, which it even more exciting. :D When I think about it, they have really great bargain book deals in store as well, just a wider YA selection online.

Ficition or Nonficton?
I love history, so I wouldn't mind reading a book about wars and the different eras, but if I were choosing between the two, I choose fiction.

Fantasy World or Real Life Issues

Kindle, iPad, or Other?
NONE. I prefer to have my books in hand. I may read a sample on my phone, but never the whole book. 

Monster read or short and sweet
Based on all of the books I have read, all of the monster reads have been the best.

Panic by Lauren Oliver Book Review/Talk

Title: Panic
Author: Lauren Oliver
Published: 2014
Rating: 0/5 STARS 
Pages: 408

Short Summary (from inside of book provided by publisher): 
"In the poor town of Carp, New York, a group of teens enters a high-stakes game that involves a series of secretive, possibly deadly challenges throughout the summer, with the winner receiving more than $50,000-- enough money to start a new life."

Review/Talk: So many people on BookTube and on Goodreads have given this book 4/5 stars, 5/5 stars, so I was extremely excited when I came back home from the bookstore with this book. I just knew that I was going to love it just as many others had. However, starting from page one, I was never drawn into the story. The story starts off with the beginning 'challenge' of Panic which is 'The Jump'. Already, the main character starts talking about some boy who she loves and is frantically searching for him, only to find him with someone else. It is because of this that she decides to enter the game 'Panic', which I thought was the worst possible reason to enter. Although her reasons changed throughout the book, her very first reason was because her boyfriend had cheated on her. 
I thought that this whole game would have been more organized instead of the way it was. I thought there would be this one area where multiple different obstacles were held, not just whatever was in the neighborhood. For an example, if there was a 'haunted house' in Carp that people were known to be afraid of, that's where one challenge would be held. If there was some crazy person in the neighborhood that people were afraid of, that's where a challenge would be held. It all just seemed like really stupid homemade challenges that teens would do in a game of Truth or Dare. Yes, some of them were really crazy, but most of them were really stupid.

Usually, in a good story, you fall in love with the characters, but in this story, I absolutely did not. They were like most teens that you see on TV shows now, going to parties and drinking and what not. There was nothing interesting about these characters, and I did not like them AT ALL. The main character was very blah ,and when she was not with the others, we learn about her life at home. We learn about her relationship with her sister and her parents, and the same thing repeats throughout the story. We are also introduced to Anne, which is the woman that the main character, Heather, begins to work for. I felt like this was so out of place. We go from a crazy teen party to talking about her job with chickens and tigers and dogs. What? To me, it didn't fit into the story at all, and it was such a weird transition. I loved when we see her working at Anne's house, but to me, it felt like the readers were in a different world compared to the other parts of the book.

I was also very confused throughout this book and some of the individual challenges, but I don't want to spoil you guys, so I'm not going to go into detail about that, but I didn't really know what was going on during parts of this book. I was frustrated and angry because it just didn't make sense. 

Just talking about the book brings me back into the world ,and I hated it so much. I regret buying this book, since I am not able to go to the bookstore often. I liked Delirium, by Lauren Oliver, but this book was just not good at all to me. I was very disappointed, and I hope that I am not the only one who thinks this. 

What did you think of Panic by Lauren Oliver? Let me know in the comments!